The insertion of very fine needles into specific points of the body. Acupuncture points are often in 'crevices' close to the edges of bone, or in 'dips, valleys, or bulges' of muscle. When an acupuncture needle makes contact with an acupuncture point, the body will 'hold' the needle, and the needle will stand erect. This is dé qì sensation.
It is possible for a skilled acupuncturist to feel dé qì on the needle, prior to a client feeling the sensation in their body. When dé qì occurs, the client may feel a slight tingling sensation or heaviness, at the acupuncture point, or at a different area of the body. Not everyone feels dé qì, and the treatment is not affected if the person receiving the acupuncture treatment feels a dé qì sensation or not.
On rare occasions a bruise may occur from acupuncture.
The bruise is temporary, & discoloration will improve by applying arnica cream.
Arnica cream can be found at most grocery stores & pharmacies.
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It is possible for a skilled acupuncturist to feel dé qì on the needle, prior to a client feeling the sensation in their body. When dé qì occurs, the client may feel a slight tingling sensation or heaviness, at the acupuncture point, or at a different area of the body. Not everyone feels dé qì, and the treatment is not affected if the person receiving the acupuncture treatment feels a dé qì sensation or not.
On rare occasions a bruise may occur from acupuncture.
The bruise is temporary, & discoloration will improve by applying arnica cream.
Arnica cream can be found at most grocery stores & pharmacies.
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