How many acupuncture treatments will I need?
Mayan counting with circles & bars
There is a saying, for every year of pain, there is a committed month for healing.
Frequent treatments, especially in the beginning of receiving acupuncture treatments, reinforces the body's physiologic memory, so that a flair up of symptoms will recover & heal faster.
If a condition has a high degree of pain or discomfort, then acupuncture may be administered 2 to 3 times the first week.
As symptoms improve, the treatments decrease to once a week, twice a month, once a month, to eventually once a season.
Some people make acupuncture part of their well being as seasonal preventive health.
Acupuncture is only one of the modalities of Chinese medicine.
A cost effective approach is to also eat & avoid particular foods, take an herbal formula, & do low impact exercise recommendations.
Recommendations can be made by your acupuncturist during your treatment.