What does acupuncture do?
Acupuncture reduces pain, inflammation, muscle spasms & nausea. It improves blood circulation, range of motion, & promotes relaxation.
During an acupuncture treatment the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) becomes quiet, while endorphins & serotonin are released.
During an acupuncture treatment the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) becomes quiet, while endorphins & serotonin are released.
People often feel sleepy during their acupuncture treatment.
Once this calm, quietness is established, the body focuses on restoring physiological homeostasis. It is common for people to want acupuncture because of a particular ailment (such as back pain) and a few days after the acupuncture treatment other issues have improved in addition to the particular ailment (such as sleeping better, having better digestion, not having to get up to urinate at night, etc.). |